birth name ava marie aguilar (ruiz). date of birth; age 14th of March, 1993; 24 years old. birthplace new york city, new york. nationality puerto rican. residence boston, massachusetts. education bachelor's degree in international relations, boston university's class of '16. occupation full-time bartender at drink. sexuality kinsey 1. relationship status single. comic-verse personaava ayala (white tiger). personality ISTP; Pisces. known family john and louisa ruiz (foster parents), hector ayala-ruiz (foster brother, deceased), andré santos-ruiz (foster brother), daniel kline-ruiz (foster brother), samantha kline-ruiz (foster sister), ariana castillo (foster sister).
Hmm, is this for a resume of some sort? Because if it is, hearing about my story isn't gonna land me the job, I'll tell you that much right now. But let's begin: What can I tell you about my life? Do you want the CliffsNotes version or the system's sugarcoated bullshit they call a fairytale? I can start with "Boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, both get married and have a beautiful bundle of joy that is yours truly, and then live happily ever after until ... whatever." If you want the real version, stayed tuned, but I'm warning you now that it ain't pretty. But let's start.

    From what I was told, I was born on the 14th of March, 1993, during one of the worst blizzards to hit the state of New York. The "Storm of the Century", people called it, because it was as unique as the destruction that followed. But to Maria Aguilar, my mother, it was nothing more than just the icing on her life cake. I was born a two weeks early, you see,

AVA AYALA IS THE WHITE TIGER. Ava Ayala is the younger sister of Hector Ayala (the original White Tiger) and the aunt of Angela Del Toro (former White Tiger). Her brother opened the door for many Latino and Hispanic heroes, and Ava wanted to honor his legacy. She is very passionate about her heritage and after receiving the Jade Tiger Amulet, she took on the alias "White Tiger" as a means to continue her family's tradition of using the relic to fight crime. Dissimilar to her brother, she lacks the ability to properly control the powerful Tiger God that dwells within the amulet, and is sometimes possessed by it's power.

Shortly after receiving the amulet, Ava joined the expanded Avengers Academy roster at the California-based Avengers Compound, as the first new full-time student since the Academy's inception. Her initial interest in why Reptil wasn't a more active Hispanic role model led to early tension between the two, with Reptil not seeing why he needed to be more than he was. With the other students she battled the Purifiers and Hybrid who was banished from the school. She also attended many training sessions at the school.

Ava joined the Heroes for Hire, along with Luke Cage and Victor Alvarez, the new Power Man. They all started believing they were meant for something more and decided to create their own Avengers team. Based off a hastag, they named themselves the Mighty Avengers.

Ava Ayala is pulled from Earth-616.

Comic Parallels 1) Name: Retains her CV's first name as well as both first and last initials.
2) Background: Retains her CV's Puerto Rican nationality as well as her birthplace of New York City, New York.
3) Family: The death of Ava's birth parents were caused by an ex-military soldier who was discharged from the Army for mental health issues. She also had a foster brother named Hector Ayala who was wrongfully framed for the murder of his best friend. Hector was killed the day before his parole hearing in which, coincidentally, his lawyer had evidence to prove his innocence.
4) Pride: Much like her CV persona, Ava is very proud of her heritage and is often seen learning more about Puerto Rican culture from her friends, neighbors, and the public library.
     Martial Arts.
     Escape Artist.
• While in the possession of the White Tiger Amulet.

played by daisy lowe • contact • EST. threads or customs. adult or ftb. • original codingedits